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Date: 12/1/2019
Subject: GWR News Blast - DECEMBER 2019
From: Governor Lori Reed

December 2019
News Blast
Governor's Corner
Hot Topics
Governor Lori
Our focus is on education ....
because educated women and girls are less likely to be vulnerable to sex traffickers;  more likely to leave a domestic violence situation and not return; are able to access healthcare; are less likely to live in poverty; and are able to raise stronger, healthy families. 
By implementing our Dreams Programs, we are able to:
Economically empower women and girls who face obstacles such as poverty, violence or teen pregnancy
Provide access to education and skills training
Focus on a specific population for a measurable impact
Invest our resources in growing the impact of our Dream Programs to increase our recognition and the number of women and girls we reach

Tyra, a Live Your Dream Award recipient states "The club members go out in the community and help women and give them a sense of belonging and assurance. I love that. It’s awesome to be around the most positive women I’ve ever met or seen. It’s such a joy.
I agree with Tyra.  I am honored to be surrounded by the members of this region, who are some of the most incredible women I have ever met.  Happy Holidays everyone!
Governor Lori

Live Your Dream Award

Portal is Closed

The SIA application portal for the Live Your Dream Award program closed on November 15, with a grace period to November 20th. 
Our region received 205 applications from the portal, the 5th largest amount in all of SIA.
 Clubs can continue to receive manual applications, but final judging needs to be complete with the winners information transmitted to the region committee by February 1st.  
The Live Your Dream Awards program is our region's strong suit.  We do it really well!  We continue to increase the number of women awarded AND the amounts of the awards are going up.  In addition, many of you report that you are "going beyond the cash award" with your recipients.  Keep up the great work that you do for the women in your communities!


Quote for the month:
"Education is the key to unlocking the world - a passport to freedom" Oprah Winfrey
Featured Article
Leadership Teamwork
Leadership Development
Have you thought about taking your leadership development to the next level?  You should!  The region has plenty of opportunities for growth and development.  December 1st is the deadline to submit your nomination for the 2020-2022 board of directors.  You must have served as a club president (or co-president) to be nominated.
Now is also the time when Governor-Elect Laurie is looking for volunteers for the 2020-2022 committees.  Please see the committee list below and let Laurie know if you are willing to serve as a chair, or district committee member.  Share your passion for the mission and your talents in management to help us impact more and more women and girls!
Fund raising
Public Awareness
Live Your Dream Award - needs a chair and members from each district
Dream it, Be it - needs a chair and members from each district
Public Awareness - needs members skilled in Social Media and public awareness in each district
Membership - needs motivated members from each district
Soroptimist Celebrating Success - needs a coordinator
Fund Raising - needs a chair and members from each district
Credentials- needs a coordinator
Laws & Resolutions - needs a coordinator and member from District 1&2, and a member from District 3&4
Finance  - needs a coordinator and member from District 1&2, and a member from District 3&4

2019-2020 Important Dates:

Dec 1, 2019 - Nomination forms due
for 2020-2022 GWR BOD candidates
Dec 3, 2019 - Giving Tuesday
Dec 10, 2019 - Human Rights Day
Dec 10, 2019 - President's Appeal
Jan 25, 2020 - GWR BOD Meeting
Feb 1, 2020 - LYDA winners due to GWR
2020 Meeting Planner:
Spring Conference 2020:
(Corrected Dates)
May 28-30, 2020
Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort
Flagstaff, AZ
SIA 46th Convention 2020:
July 22-25, 2020
Bellevue Hyatt Regency
Bellevue, WA
Leadership Training Retreat 2020:
date: August 7-8, 2020 (tentative)
Location:Onatrio, CA (tentative)
Submit your club events to Pat Box to be displayed on the GWR event calendar

Contact Governor-elect Laurie Moses -
Soroptimist International of the Americas