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Home2021 Fall Mtg. & 100-Year Resources

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2021 All District Fall Meetings
& 100-Year Celebration Resources
Strategies For a Successful 2021-2022 Club Year 
Philanthropy: Fundraising Presentation:  Slides  Script  
      presented by Lisa Ludwig-Hammond, Fundraising District 3, SI Parker

Impact: Program Presentation:  Slides   Script 
       presented by Lunda Poindexter, Program Pillar, SI Yucca Valley

Engagement: Membership Presentation:  Slides  Script
       presented by Margie Burke, GWR Governor-Elect, SI Phoenix

Recognition: Public Awareness Presentation:  Slides   Script
       presented by Aurora Feehely, Public Awareness Pillar, SI Kachinas

Increasing the Impact of Live Your Dream Awards:  Slides  Script
       presented by Esther Devall, LYD Co-Chair, SI Las Cruces

Dream It, Be It Presentation:  Slides  Script   
      Presented by Laura Pauli, DIBI Chair, SI Desert Tucson

Other Presentations
      Region Update   (Script)  
      presented by Laurie Moses, GWR Governor, SI Parker

      Dream Big Campaign  

       presented by Laurie Moses, GWR Governor, SI Parker

Soroptimist's Own Legacy
       presented by Penny Babb, 
DOÑA/DIVA, SI Happy Valley of the Sun

2021 Dream Makers:   Slides  Script
      presented by Laurie Moses, GWR Governor, SI Parker

Next 100 Years Panel Discussion
2021 Club Awards:   Slides   Script 
      presented by Margie Burke, GWR Governor-Elect, SI Phoenix   

Conference Updates:  Slides   Script 
       presented by Pat Box, GWR Secretary, SI Moreno Valley